2017 April Report – Spring Wildflowers

Spring Wildflower hike with Dr. David Morgan, University of West Georgia Department of Biology.

Occurring later in April, this year’s hike on the 22nd missed many of the earlier blooming wildflowers. However, with Dr. Morgan’s interest in informally updating his 2009-2010 survey of the the plant life at McIntosh, our attention focused also on other families of growing things – grasses and sedges, trees, fungi, mosses, vines, bugs – whatever caught out eye. The photographers along with us just took pictures – you are on your own to identify them individually. Do check out the photo of Ben demonstrating the way one provokes the doodlebug (ant lion, woodlouse, roly poly, potato bug etc.) to come out to play.

Some of the familiar flowering bloomers we saw included the Mayapple, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, pipsissewa, spiderwort, wild ginger, windflower, wood beteny, and the Soloman’s seal. The Atamasco lilies were mostly gone, but we did find a few below the bluff and in other spots along the trails. (Rae Furcha sent along some pictures she took at the beginning of April of the lilies in bloom this year. )

Please visit the Photos to view pictures of this event.