16 MARCH, 10 am: Bob Sargent from DNR will lead our March Walk & Talk about Eagles in Georgia and specifically at McIntosh Reserve. The walk will begin at the base of Council Bluff, riverside. We will hike along the river and look for eagles. Binoculars are encouraged.
The County is also having an open house at Moore’s Bridge from 10 am-6pm on March 16th! This is exciting news and a great opportunity to get a sneak peak at one of Carroll County’s hidden treasures and rich history. We look forward to great public interest and participation. Our plan is to attend the Walk and Talk about eagles with Bob Sargent, and then head over to the Moore’s Bridge House. The entrance to house side of the park is off of Alt. 27S/Hwy16 on left heading southbound, just north of the BP station. Consider packing a light lunch to enjoy on the property.